Statement of Good Health

A "Statement of Good Health" (SOGH) is a declaration made by an individual affirming that their health status has not changed adversely since the initial application or the last medical assessment. This document is often required by insurance companies to confirm that the applicant's health condition remains within the acceptable risk parameters set by the insurer.

Key aspects of a Statement of Good Health include:

  1. Health Status Confirmation: The individual attests that there have been no new diagnoses, treatments, or changes in their health that could affect their risk profile since their last health declaration or application.
  2. Recent Medical History: The SOGH may ask for confirmation that the individual has not consulted any physicians for new conditions, received any new prescriptions, or undergone any tests or procedures that have not been previously disclosed to the insurer.
  3. Insurance Eligibility: By providing a SOGH, the applicant helps the insurer determine their current eligibility for the requested insurance coverage, based on the insurer's underwriting criteria.
  4. Policy Issuance or Modification: The SOGH is typically required during the final stages of issuing a new insurance policy or when an existing policyholder applies for additional coverage or if there have been delays in settling the original coverage. It serves as a final check to ensure the risk associated with insuring the individual has not increased, and that the insured is not aware of any new information that the insurance company hasn't been apprised of.
  5. Accuracy and Honesty: It is crucial for the individual completing a SOGH to be accurate and truthful. Misrepresentation or failure to disclose significant health changes can lead to the denial of claims, policy cancellation, or other legal consequences.

The SOGH is a simplified method for insurers to update and verify the health status of applicants or policyholders without conducting a full medical examination or underwriting process again. It streamlines the process for adjusting and/or finalizing coverage levels while ensuring that the insurer's risk exposure remains managed.

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