Articles & FAQ's

Employee Group Benefits

Articles related to Employee Group Benefits

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Frequently asked questions related to Employee Group Benefits

What is the minimum number of employees required for a company in Canada to be eligible for an employee group benefits plan?

In Canada, even small businesses can have an employee group benefits plan. The minimum size for a company to be eligible for a group benefits plan can be as few as two or three employees, including the owner. This threshold varies depending on the insurance provider. Some insurers specialize in small business plans and offer flexible options tailored to smaller groups. It's important for small businesses to shop around and consult with insurance brokers or providers to find a plan that suits their specific needs and size.

Can part-time employees in Canada access Group Benefits?

Some Canadian employers extend group benefits to part-time employees, but this is not universal. Eligibility criteria, such as minimum hours worked or length of service, may apply.

Are Employee Group Benefits mandatory for Canadian employers?

No, offering Employee Group Benefits is not mandatory for Canadian employers. However, many businesses provide them to attract and retain talent, as they are a significant part of employee compensation packages.

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