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Disability Insurance

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Frequently asked questions related to Disability Insurance

What happens to my disability insurance if I leave my job?

With group insurance, coverage typically ends when you leave your employer, unless there's an option to convert to individual coverage. Individual disability insurance is not tied to your job, so it continues regardless of your employment status.

What are the differences between group and individual disability coverage?

Group coverage often has limited amounts and less flexibility, with changes usually tied to annual enrollment periods or life events. Individual coverage, on the other hand, offers more flexibility in choosing coverage amounts and terms, and remains with you independent of your employment status.

How does individual disability insurance complement group insurance?

While group insurance provides basic coverage, an individual disability policy offers additional protection. It allows you to choose your coverage amount and duration, ensuring comprehensive protection for you and your family.

How does my current age and salary impact the value of disability insurance?

Your potential lifetime earnings, based on your current age and salary, are a key factor in determining the value of disability insurance. For example, a 30-year-old earning $70,000 annually could earn around $3.8 million by age 65. Disability insurance helps protect this earning potential.

What types of disabilities are covered by disability insurance?

Disability insurance covers a range of conditions, not just those that are physically visible. It includes chronic pain and mental health issues, ensuring a broad spectrum of disabilities are eligible for coverage.

Do I need a medical exam for disability insurance?

Generally, obtaining disability insurance involves answering medical questions and possibly undergoing a medical exam. The depth of this medical assessment often varies based on factors like your age and the amount of coverage you're seeking.

How much disability insurance should I have?

To determine the right amount of disability insurance, consider the income needed to maintain your current lifestyle if you're unable to work. Start by calculating your monthly fixed living expenses, including necessities like food, housing, transportation, utilities, and other essential costs. Then, subtract any other income you might receive during a disability, such as returns from investments, rental income, or existing disability insurance benefits. The shortfall between your expenses and this additional income represents the coverage you need. Remember, disability insurance typically replaces only a portion of your pre-disability income.

Why should I consider an additional disability policy if I already have one through my work?

Evaluating your employer-sponsored disability policy is crucial to determine if additional coverage is necessary. Consider these aspects:

  • Income Replacement: Assess how much of your salary the employer-sponsored plan covers. Is it sufficient to meet your needs if you're unable to work?
  • Scope of Coverage: Does the plan cover both illnesses and injuries? Understand the extent of the protection provided.
  • Coverage Timing: Are you protected only during work hours, or does the coverage extend to 24/7?
  • Rehabilitation Services: Check if the plan includes support for returning to work, which can be vital for a smooth transition.
  • Definition of Disability: Understand how 'disability' is defined in your plan. This definition can significantly impact your eligibility for benefits.

An individual policy, has the advantage of portability – it stays with you even if you change jobs. After reviewing these factors, you might find that your employer's plan doesn't fully meet your needs, indicating the potential benefit of additional coverage.

Doesn't the Canadian government offer disability coverage?

Yes, the Canadian government provides disability coverage through the Canada Pension Plan (CPP). As of 2023, the maximum monthly CPP disability benefit is $1,538.67. This amount, while offering essential support, is generally lower than what private disability insurance plans can offer. Private plans may provide benefits up to $25,000 per month, depending on various factors such as your occupation and pre-disability income.

Furthermore, the CPP requires a severe and prolonged disability for eligibility, whereas private plans might have more lenient definitions of disability, potentially allowing for benefits under a broader range of conditions.

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